46th Annual

KAC Run & Walk

Saturday, June 7th 2025 at 8:30 AM

We are delighted to host the 46th Annual KAC Run & Walk. With the support of the Town and Village, and following public health guidelines, we will offer a safe and enjoyable experience for all the family. This year, there are limited entries for the best USATF-certified 5K around, so, make sure you sign up soon!

Registration Forms

Course Description 

Start at driveway to #5 Elm Street.

Head S on Elm St. Turn R onto College St heading W.

Turn L onto Dwight Ave.

At intersection with Meadow St (NYS Route 12B) head diagonally to L onto Franklin Ave.

Pass M1 mark.

Continue around L curve, and turn R onto St. Mary’s Ave.

Proceed up grade.

At South St. turn L, pass M2 mark.

Follow this curvy road to its end at Fountain St.

Turn L, and turn L onto Chestnut St.

Turn R onto Williams St., pass M3, and straight on to Finish.

Mile 1: at driveway to 58 Franklin Ave.

Mile 2: on South St., approx. 15 m past L turn from St. Mary’s Ave., 3-4 m prior to 35 MPH sign.

Mile 3: on Williams St. at granite marker “3.”

Finish: on Williams St. at granite marker “F.”

Want to be a sponsor?

There are an assortment of sponsorships to choose from. Once you decide which level you wish to be call our office at (315) 853- 8871 or email programs@kacny.org

Sponsorship Levels

  • $5000

    Customized PR plan to maximize recognition for your business & logo on back of t-shirt.

  • $2500: 5K Run & Walk

    Business name displayed on the finish line banner & business name/logo displayed on event posters, online registration from, media, & name/logo on the back of t-shirt.

  • $1000: Youth Fun Run or 1- Mile Race

    Business name/ logo displayed on event posters, online registration form, and event media & name/ logo on the back of t-shirt.

  • $500

    Business name and logo displayed on event posters, online registration form, media & business name displayed on lawn sign along the run, either at water table or mile marker & name on back of t-shirt.

  • $250

    Business name displayed on event posters, and media & displayed on sign along the run & name on back of t-shirt.

  • $100

    Business name in event media & on lawn sign along the run

Thank you to all our Run / Walk sponsors!

Thieme Fitness Works